Gribouillage / Scaraboccio
From Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly

A major exhibition for works that are not considered such. An exhibition in two components, the fruit of a collaboration between the Villa Medici in Rome and the Fine Arts of Paris.
A first part, including a selection of old works of Italian collections, was therefore presented in Rome from March to May 2022 and this second Parisian part was established on the basis of the Collections des Beaux-Arts in Paris and others French and European institutions: more than one hundred and fifty original works from the Renaissance in contemporary times.

Gribouillage / Scarabocchio highlights one of the most repressed and less controlled aspects of the practice of drawing, by approaching the multiple facets of “scribble”, from the sketch smeared on the reverse of the cliffing paintings doing work.

The exhibition reveals how these experimental, transgressive, regressive or liberating graphic gestures, which seem to obey any law, have always punctuated the history of artistic creation.

Offering unpublished rapprochements between the works of the masters of the first modernity (Léonardo da Vinci, Raphaël, Michelangelo, Bernin …) and those of modern and contemporary artists major (Jean Dubuffet, Henri Michaux, Helen Levitt, Cy Twombly, Jean -Michel Basquiat, Luigi Pericle, etc.) The exhibition blurs the chronological rankings and the traditional categories (margin and center, official and unofficial, classic and contemporary, work and document) and places the practice of scribble in the heart of artistic making.